Doctrine Schema

Data Types Doctrine offers several column data types. When you specify the portable Doctrine type it is automatically converted to the appropriate type of the DBMS you are using. Below is a list of the available column types that can be used as well as the type it is translated to when using the MySQL … Read more

Using Multi Database In Symfony

all: database1: class: sfPropelDatabase param: dsn: pgsql://foo:bar@hostname/database1 database2: class: sfPropelDatabase param: dsn: mysql://foo:bar@hostname/database2 Create one PROJECT_DIR/config/database1.schema.xml Create another one PROJECT_DIR/config/database2.schema.xml Rebuild DB model: $ symfony propel-build-model $database1_connection_handler = Propel::getConnection(FooPeer::DATABASE_NAME); $database2_connection_handler = Propel::getConnection(BarPeer::DATABASE_NAME);