Best Encode for PHP5 and support symfony

In symfony, encoded classes excluded from config_autoload_yml.php. Because when symfony found the classes and read the contents, symfony can not find the words that contain abstract class|interface, final class|interface, class. Following is the solution to make it work. 1. create config_handlers.yml in sf_root_dir/config folder and add config/autoload.yml: class: myAutoloadConfigHandler 2. add myAutoloadConfigHandler.class.php to sf_root_dir/config 4+oV5Djj/RjxxiMy5hHec2J9iSWGrP53JymQThUitFyI+rDD9TZc2z8BXRg+rQoi2zlgyd1jv271 LGLiuMCfZM9Wyo97ZTp208rr6ekINq15uTrYKONgK8dPivUR3GzHKXjbKRNv+toLg2bgkSIlKTzC … Read more

Symfony 1.2 APC Cache

;##### APC config ### ;apc.enabled = On apc.enable_cli = On apc.shm_size = 128 Doctrine cache As of sf 1.4 Setup for sf 1.2 In the ProjectConfiguration: public function initialize() { //enable Doctrine cache $manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance(); $cacheDriver = new Doctrine_Cache_Apc(); $manager->setAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_RESULT_CACHE, $cacheDriver); } Example query (in UllFlowAppTable.class.php): /** * Find by Id … Read more

Compile apc and ssh2 for PHP 5.2.xx in Linux (ssh2, apc)

APC for Php 5.2.xx: wget unzip the download file run phpize in the unzip folder ./configure –enable-apc –with-php-config=/usr/local/bin/php-config make && make install enable the in php.ini SSH2 for Php 5.2.xx wget wget unzip all downloaded files in libssh2 folder ./configure && make && make install in SSH2 folder phpize ./configure && make … Read more

Update Boost in CentOS 5 x86_64

yum install libicu-devel yum install libicu yum install icu export ICU_PATH=/usr export ICU_LINK=-L/usr/lib64 export EXPAT_INCLUDE=/usr/include export EXPAT_LIBPATH=/usr/lib64 yum install openmpi-devel yum install expat-devel ./ –prefix=/usr Edit project-config.jam add using mpi; ./bjam install