Compile apc and ssh2 for PHP 5.2.xx in Linux (ssh2, apc)

APC for Php 5.2.xx: wget unzip the download file run phpize in the unzip folder ./configure –enable-apc –with-php-config=/usr/local/bin/php-config make && make install enable the in php.ini SSH2 for Php 5.2.xx wget wget unzip all downloaded files in libssh2 folder ./configure && make && make install in SSH2 folder phpize ./configure && make … Read more

Update Boost in CentOS 5 x86_64

yum install libicu-devel yum install libicu yum install icu export ICU_PATH=/usr export ICU_LINK=-L/usr/lib64 export EXPAT_INCLUDE=/usr/include export EXPAT_LIBPATH=/usr/lib64 yum install openmpi-devel yum install expat-devel ./ –prefix=/usr Edit project-config.jam add using mpi; ./bjam install

Different CSS for IE6、IE7、IE8、Firefox symbol:「\9」、「*」、「_」 #tip { background:blue; /*Firefox background to blue*/ background:red \9; /*IE8 red*/ *background:black; /*IE7 black*/ _background:orange; /*IE6 orange*/ }

Install Windows 7 From USB Disk

Requirement: USB Disk (Min 4 GB) Windows 7 Source MBRwiz (download here) Process: Format USB disk with NTFS format. Open command prompt (“cmd”) go to MDRwiz folder and type below command mbrwiz /list (note down disk number of your USB disk) mbrwiz /disk=X /active=1 (X is Number of your USB disk) go to “windows 7 … Read more

Load balance in CentOS

1. Testing your system if the bonding driver is available modprobe bonding miimon=100 ifconfig bond0 netmask ifconfig eth0 down ifconfig eth1 down ifenslave bond0 eth0 eth1 2. Create the network configration file for next reboot create /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0 DEVICE=bond0 BOOTPROTO=static ONBOOT=yes NETWORK= NETMASk= IPADDR= GATEWAY= USERCTL=no edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and eth1 **** original config ***** … Read more

Show the IM(Google Talk, Skype, MSN)

GTalk Requirement: Google Talk 1.0+ Step 1: Download and Install Google Talk Get Google Talk Step 2: Add the Codes in Your Blog, Web <A href=”gtalk:chat?jid=[Your Google Talk Account]”> Chat with me via Google Talk </A> <A href=”gtalk:call?jid=[Your Google Talk Account]”> Talk with me via Google Talk </A> And replace [Your Google Talk Account] … Read more

Reverse Proxy Configuration

Squid + CentOS 5 Below config will make the proxy server point to one local web server. #on 80 port load default site content http_port 80 vhost defaultsite= #on 443 SSL port load default site content and using the given cert and key https_port 443 defaultsite= cert=/etc/squid/server.crt key=/etc/squid/server.key #cache the given IP content on port … Read more